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Request for Meals: Are you in need of some home cooked meals brought to your door? Then please fill out the form below and let the Christ Church casserole brigade pay you a visit. 

Request for a Ride to Church: Are you in need of a ride to church on occasion or regularly? Then please fill out the form below and let the Christ Church transportation ministry get you to church. 


Request for Visit from Rector: If you would like the rector to visit you in your home, please fill out the form below. 

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Church Aisles

Frequently Asked Questions 

Below are answers to some questions that are often asked at Christ Church.  If you don't find the answer to your question here, please call the parish office at 610-566-7525.


Where is the church located?
We are located at 311 S. Orange Street, Media PA.  The church is one block south of Baltimore Pike. 


Where do I park?
Our church parking lot located on the south side of the church, next to the Rectory. It is accessible from Orange Street. Visitor spaces are available.There is also a church parking lot located behind the church. It is accessible from South Avenue.  Street parking is also available, plus municipal parking lots are located nearby.  The meters are not required to be filled when parking on Sundays.


What should I expect when I get inside?
As you enter the main doors or side doors of Christ church, an usher will hand you a worship leaflet. This booklet contains directions for page numbers for the Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal or LEV song books. If you aren't sure, don't hesitate to ask a fellow worshipper or watch and follow others' lead.


Where do I sit?
You can sit anywhere that you feel comfortable. If it's crowded, the ushers will help you find a seat. If you arrive once the service has begun, an usher will be happy to assist you to a seat.

How long will the service last?
The services generally last about an hour.

What if I have children?
Children are welcome at all Sunday services. While it may not seem that they understand all aspects of worship, they do experience the rhythm and beauty of the building and the liturgy. Childcare for ages 5 and under is available in the nursery during services.


How to take Communion
All baptized Christians are welcome at the Lord's Table. Come forward to the altar rail as the ushers direct you and take the next available place. You may kneel or stand. Receive the communion bread from the priest in your open right palm. You may choose to receive the wine directly from the chalice by gently guiding it to your lips as the Chalice Bearer presents it to you, or you may "intinct," or dip, the wafer into the wine. If you choose not to receive the wine, simply cross your arms across your chest after you have received the wafer. You may then return to your pew following those around you. If it is physically difficult for you to come to the altar rail, please indicate this to an usher and a priest will bring communion to you where you are seated.

Children receiving Communion
Children are welcome at the Lord's Table at their parents' discretion.


How do I schedule a baptism?
It is best to call the parish office and set up an appointment to meet with the rector. We require that one parent be a member of the church. The rector meets with the parents to instruct them about the meaning of baptism and their duties to help the new Christian grow in the knowledge and love of God.

Do you have a nursery?
We have a nursery located on the lower level of the main building. Nursery care for infants through children who have just turned 3 years old is provided by a paid staff person on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and during various special events.

Do you have a Christian Education program for children?
Yes, our church school program offers Christian education for children 3 years old through 5th grade. Our Middle-High youth program (LOGOS) is offered for youth in 6th through 12th grades. Christian education is held on Sunday mornings following our 10:00 a.m. worship service from September to mid-June. Each class is staffed with a team of two or more teachers.

How do I become a member of Christ Church?
If you are a member of another Episcopal church, your membership can be transferred to Christ Church. With your permission, we would write to your previous parish and ask for a letter of transfer. When we receive the letter of transfer, your records are recorded into the parish register. If you are a baptized or confirmed member of another denomination and wish to become a member, you need to present your baptismal certificate to Christ Church. It is best to call the parish office and set up an appointment to meet with the priest regarding instruction.

How do I arrange for a wedding at Christ Church?
For persons seeking marriage, one of the couple must be a member of the church. You will need to schedule an appointment with the priest for a series of reflective periods of instruction. Please call the parish office at 610-566-7525 to set up an appointment.


Receiving a Blessing
If you, or your child(ren), would like to receive a blessing from a priest at the altar rail, come forward just as you would to receive communion and cross your arms across your chest, and/or instruct your child(ren) to do the same.

Christian Education and Fellowship
Every Sunday at Christ Church we time have for education and fellowship. During the program year (September-May) you will find classes for adults, youth, and children of all ages.


Learning More
As our guest we encourage you to ask questions and seek information. Please fill out a visitor card (found in the pew) and place it in the offering plate so that a member of the staff may contact you.  Of course, we also invite and encourage you to introduce yourself to our clergy, greeters and staff. We'll be happy to see you.

Finding Community & Getting Involved
Christ Church is a large and diverse community, bringing together people of different backgrounds, ages and interests. Some are simply involved on Sunday mornings, others come for programs during the week, and still others choose to envision and plan new programs and directions for Christ Church to grow. Whatever your desired level of involvement, whatever your interests, we invite you to talk to members of our community, to browse the pages of this website and ultimately to find yourself at home at Christ Church. We're glad you're here.

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